Take down Red flag at UMASS-Boston-USA

Nguyễn Thị Duyên
Hi, my name is Duyen Nguyen and I am currently a student at Umass Boston. Thank you all for your support and presence today. As a Vietnamese-American student at Umass Boston, I strongly believe in the removal of the Vietnamese communist flag. This is because it is very much a misrepresentation of our community here. Instead of its purpose of representing our nationality, it creates a division and becomes a reminder of our horrific history. Personally, seeing the flag reminds me of the lifetime price my father and my family has paid. I grew up with him always at home because he cannot walk on his own. This is the result of the torture he faced by the Vietnamese communists during his 7 years in “re-education camp.” He was beaten to the point of spinal disability, got all his teeth pulled out, and I used to be scared looking at his legs because they have been boiled. But this is only one story. We have a large number of students whose families came here to find refuge and forget the tragic memories and sufferings.
The display of the communist flag has provided hostility ad a nostalgic emotion of a home they once knew. The peaceful removal of this flag will conclude the controversial division within our population. We would like to reach out to Dean Kuizenga and Chairman Carrara to use your compassion and understand the feelings of the Vietnamese- American student body here, at Umass Boston.
Đọc thêm tại: nguoivietboston.com